

Business Mathematics -The Fundamentals and Core- Second Edition 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
저자 Geon Cho
판형 4X6배판
제본 반양장
페이지 276p
ISBN 978-89-5972-716-2 93320
발행일 2019-08-25
정가 20,000원
E-BOOK 정가 20,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • Business Mathematics -The Fundamentals and Core- Second Edition
※.교재구입은 대형 온.오프 라인 매장에서 가능 합니다.
  • 상품 정보

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    출판사 상품페이지 참고
    크기 상품페이지 참고
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    목차 또는 책소개 상품페이지 참고
  • 책요약(저자작성)


    Business Mathematics is one of the most fundamental courses offered from the School of Business Administration and most schools

    generally offer it as a single semester course. In recent years, the number of students, especially foreign students, taking Business 

    Mathematics courses has been increasing in most schools probably because of the trend of globalization and thus the number of 

    offered Business Mathematics courses taught in English has been also increasing in each school.
    I have been teaching Business Mathematics in both Korean and English for more than 10 years. Usually, I have used the same textbook 

    written in Korean for both courses regardless of whether I
    gave Korean lectures or English lectures. In particular, I introduced a couple of auxiliary textbooks written in English to students who took

     a course taught in English just in case they would need to refer to them.
    However, I have realized that it is not a good idea to introduce auxiliary textbooks written in English to students because those books not 

    only are too expensive for them to buy, but also contain too much materials to cover during a single semester. Actually, one of the main 

    reasons that most of the original books in English contain too much materials is because authors try to cover various major fields such as 

    economics and the social and life sciences as well as business. I believe Business Mathematics is one of the most fundamental courses 

    offered from the School of Business Administration and most schools generally offer it as a single semester course. In recent years, the 

    number of students, especially foreign students, taking Business Mathematics courses has been increasing in most schools probably 

    because of the trend of globalization and thus the number of offered Business Mathematics courses taught in English have been also

     increasing in each school.
    I have been teaching Business Mathematics in both Korean and English for more than 10 years. Usually, I have used the same textbook 

    written in Korean for both courses regardless of whether I
    gave Korean lectures or English lectures. In particular, I introduced a couple of auxiliary textbooks written in English to students who took 

    a course taught in English just in case they would need to refer to them.
    However, I have realized that it is not a good idea to introduce auxiliary textbooks written in English to students because those books not 

    only are too expensive for them to buy, but also contain too much materials to cover during a single semester. Actually, one of the main 

    reasons that most of the original books in English contain too much materials is because authors try to cover various major fields such as 

    economics and the social and life sciences as well as business. I believe that it creates difficulties for most lecturers teaching Business 

    Mathematics in English when choosing a textbook written in English for a single semester. Consequently, it eventually made me seriously 

    consider writing a textbook for Business Mathematics written in English which only focuses on business-related topics and also has an 

      appropriate volume for a single semester.
    One of the main goals of this book is to teach students the fundamental and core concepts of business mathematics that they are likely to 

    encounter in undergraduate level of business courses. The book emphasizes on the understanding of concepts and solving various kinds 

    of business-related problems rather than focusing on mathematical theories. In fact, it contains an outstanding collection of examples to 

    illustrate the mathematical concepts and properties.
    I am entirely responsible for any errors in this book even though I tried to do my best to eliminate them. You are more than welcome to let 

    me know your valuable comments and suggestions regarding this book.
    I would like to thank several people who helped me with preparing this book. My sincere thanks go to my student, MinA Choi, for her 

    valuable time and careful editing work. I am especially grateful to my students, Ross Douglas Brown, Francis Joseph Costello, and Gregory 

    David Panayi Reid, for their careful proofreading. My special thanks go to the editors as well as President Soo-young Lee at CheongRam 

    Publishing for thier dedicated work and support. Last, but certainly not least, I thank my lovely family for their support and encouragement.

    that it creates difficulties for most lecturers teaching Business Mathematics in English when choosing a textbook written in English for a 

    single semester. Consequently, it eventually made me seriously consider writing a textbook for Business Mathematics written in English 

    which only focuses on business-related topics and also has an appropriate volume for a single semester.
    One of the main goals of this book is to teach students the fundamental and core concepts of business mathematics that they are likely to 

    encounter in undergraduate level of business courses. The book emphasizes on the understanding of concepts and solving various kinds 

    of business-related problems rather than focusing on mathematical theories. In fact, it contains an outstanding collection of examples to 

    illustrate the mathematical concepts and properties.
    I am entirely responsible for any errors in this book even though I tried to do my best to eliminate them. You are more than welcome to let me

     know your valuable comments and suggestions regarding this book.
    I would like to thank several people who helped me with preparing this book. My sincere thanks go to my student, MinA Choi, for her valuable

     time and careful editing work. I am especially grateful to my students, Ross Douglas Brown, Francis Joseph Costello, and Gregory David 

    Panayi Reid, for their careful proofreading. My special thanks go to the editors as well as President Soo-young Lee at CheongRam Publishing 

    for thier dedicated work and support. Last, but certainly not least, I thank my lovely family for their support and encouragement.

    Geon Cho

  • 목차

    Chapter 1 Some Preliminary Topics
    Chapter 2 Functions
    Chapter 3 Matrices
    Chapter 5 System of Linear Equations
    Chapter 6 Limits and Continuity
    Chapter 7 Differentiation
    Chapter 8 Graphs of Functions
    Chapter 9 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
  • 저자/역자소개

    Geon Cho received his B.S. from Department of Mathematics at Chonnam National University in 1983 and his M.S. from Department of Mathematics

    at Seoul National University in 1986. He also received his Ph.D. from the School of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University in 1994 and became 

    Professor of School of Business at Chonnam National University in 1996. He has been teaching Business Mathematics as well as Production and 

    Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, and Managerial Decision Making. He served as a Dean of the Graduate School of Business at 

    Chonnam National University in 2012.

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  • Business Mathematics -The Fundamentals and Core- Second Edition


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